26-04-2011 - Kitesurfen, Nieuws

Hoe is het met Randy Hereman?

Een kort verhaal over Randy, want hij is al lang niet meer op het “media podium” verschenen. En zoals je uit het verhaal hieronder deels kan opmaken gaat dit ook niet meer gebeuren. Hij vertelt persoonlijk hier wat over, en hoe hij op dit moment leeft.

It’s been a while since my last appearance that’s why this short update. My home-spot has been Cauipe near Cumbuco in Brasil, State Ceara for a couple of years now, where I settled with Pauline. I decided to quit competing after my last knee injury and although I kite as often as I want – here it is possible almost all year long, I don’t think of going professional again. The conditions here allow me to ride how I want and the boards I chose, that is Laluz 135 and Infra 136 by Xenonboards, are totally the most I could wish for in kiteboards. At least for now. It surprises me that they sustain my hard riding but are light and „easy-going”, not to mention the simplicity of their design. Xenon may be a new brand but knowing the minds behind it I am sure it will make it.

„I can’t be more happy that Randy promotes Xenon! We’ve known each other since 2004 when we made our first steps in freestyle riding in Cauipe but he was so much better than me ;). Not only is he an awesome rider but a really cool guy, which only makes our cooperation more fun” – says Arek Jerzelkowski, head of R&D and Xenon Boards cofounder.
