28-09-2010 - Kitesurfen, Nieuws

‘Master Flysurfer’ Gunnar Biniasch 3e op Oostenrijk Freestyle Kampioenschap

Van 24 tot 26 september werden de Oostenrijke Kiteboard Kampioenschappen gehouden op Neusiedler See. Internationaal Flysurfer en Flyboards Team rider Gunnar ”Chinatown” Biniasch was aanwezig om deel te nemen in het Kite Race Event. Helaas waren de omstandigheden gedurende deze dagen niet echt geschikt voor racen, maar Gunnar heeft toch een fantastisch weekend gehad door 3e te worden in de Master-klasse van het Freestyle event!


Gunnar doet zelf verslag:


What a crazy Weekend.

”I came to Podersdorf with the expectation to do well in the Race Competition and maybe do the Freestyle and see how for I would get along. At the registration I found out that there is actually a Masters Class for those over 30 years. So I signed up for that and the Racing.

On the 1st day there was south wind, which meant we had to carry out the heats far off-shore as the offshore wind made it impossible to kite near the beach. I did some race training first to get used to the cold water again and then launched my 12m2 Speed3 Deluxe and headed out to the middle of the lake for the Masters Freestyle heats. I managed to progress well to the Semi-Finals, but then had a bad turn of luck. I managed to tangle with a windsurfer at the edge of the competition area after a crash. I lost a lot of time getting my kite free and lost the heat. I managed to win the loosers final meaning a 3rd place was in the pocket.


On day 2 of the Competition the wind turned to east and was very light. We waited all day to see if we could run a race, but it was not to be. I did manage a short training session out on the Lake with my Speed3 19m2 Deluxe and my raceboard, but I had to swim out and drift launch the kite and swim back in the last 200m at the end of the session. Well at least I was out riding!

The 3rd day brought some crazy conditions. Very strong gusty onshore winds and chop made riding difficult. The Race could not be run, as the buoys could not be secured properly. We ran the double eliminations for all the classes. I managed to defend my 3rd Place, but lost out to local hero Franz Schitzhofer in the next heat. I was super overpowered on my Psycho4 8m2 and had to lot of crashes. I could have tried more, but I have to admit that I was a bit cautious and did not want to risk going full out.

In the end I ended up 3rd the Masters. It’s been a while since I have been on the podium for a Freestyle competition so I was pretty happy with the result.”



Kijk voor meer info op: www.flysurfer.com of www.flyboards.info !




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