03-10-2010 - Surfen, Nieuws

Mick Fanning wint Quiksilver Pro France


Tijdens goede condities met 3 meter hoge golven wist Mick Fanning zaterdag Kelly Slater in de finale te verslaan. Duizenden toeschouwers waren getuige van het spectakel.


Het waren lastige condities dus het kiezen van de juiste golf was van groot belang.

‘That was difficult,’ aldus Fanning, ‘Kelly (Slater) and I were talking out there about how we were trying to get in the spot. There was just a lot of water moving and it was super challenging. I got absolutely hammered by that set – copped the whole thing on the head and it killed me. You were either in the spot or you weren’t, and I was fortunate enough to be there for a couple.’

De volgende, achtste stop in de APS World Tour is de Rip Curl Pro Portugal, van 7 t/m 18 oktober.

De scores in de finale:
16.90 Mick Fanning
6.74 Kelly Slater


6 Surf magazine – Abonnee worden?
