16-09-2013 - Windsurfen, Nieuws

PWA naar Cold Hawaii

Na een succesvolle terugkeer van de PWA in Nederland is Denemarken de volgende halte voor de World Cup windsurfen. De start van deze World Cup staat maandag 16 september op het programma en brengt de PWA sterren naar Klitmøller, Denemarken. Overigens wordt verwacht dat de eerste heats pas op dinsdag beginnen in verband met de weersomstandigheden.

Ter ere van dit event was de Deense kroonprins Frederik te gast om een aantal windsurfers persoonlijk te ontmoeten. Philip Köster, het 19-jarige talent dat inmiddels al tweemaal wereldkampioen wist te worden, verwelkomde de prins gezamenlijk met collega surfers Victor Fernandez Lopez en Klaas Voget. De kroonprins was daarnaast ook aanwezig om zelf het water op te gaan. Hij kreeg namelijk een spoedcursus windsurfen en natuurlijk was er ook de mogelijkheid om de professionals live in actie te zien. Lees de reacties op het bezoek van de kroonprins hieronder terug.


Prins Frederik van Denemarken: 

“It is amazing to witness the skills of the windsurfers, it made me a bit embarrassed that I have to use an engine and not the wind but that will be in my second life. As a sailor, looking at the acrobatics and the techniques that they master is impressive, seeing what man has made to make it possible to defy the laws of gravity. It really motivates me a lot, I wish I had kept on with windsurfing way back 30 years ago.”

“To this part of Denmark the Cold Hawaii World Cup is extremely important for a lot of reasons. We have ideal surf and steady winds and as I’ve learned today from asking the pros this area is at the top of the list of the best spots in the world because supposedly as you can see it sort of goes out a bit in the ocean so you get winds from different angles, you can go and train in different areas.

The World Cup brings a lot of people, it’s an area that had it not had these ideal conditions would have had a harder time reinventing itself or at least to survive in many ways. But now the whole area has realised that this is something to be proud of but also to attract tourists from all over Europe, maybe even the world. At the same time the hospitality of the locals is second to none I’m very impressed.”

Philip Köster

“The Crown Prince was asking us about our equipment and how we do it. It looked like he had fun out there on the jetski. I think it’s good that he gets out there and does all these things. I live in Spain and I don’t think you see that so much there.”

“I’m feeling good. I don’t know how many times I’ve been here, I think it’s my fourth time and we’ve had a lot of luck with the conditions and I think this the forecast is also pretty good so I’m pretty excited. I want to take the Cold Hawaii title back this year. I love to compete, I love this competition and I always want to win.”

