De Škoda Titan Desert Almería gaat in 2023 zijn vierde editie tegemoet. Dat doet hij bovendien met een nieuw formaat. De Andalusische race heeft tot doel de meest toegankelijke race te worden van alle races die deel uitmaken van het Titan World Series-universum, met behoud van alle sportieve uitdagingen en uitdagingen die het tot een maatstaf in het Europese mountainbiken hebben gemaakt.

Registration is now open for all participants who want to experience the Almeria adventure first hand. The first 100 participants will be able to register at a reduced early bird rate, which will be maintained for the first few weeks.
To kick off the event, a presentation of the Škoda Titan Desert Almeria 2023 was held today. The ESCAPA shop at 310 Viladomat Street in Barcelona hosted the opening event for the race, which was attended by sponsors, press and race organisers.
At this meeting, all the new features of the race were explained, ranging from the price to the logistics, including, among other things, the number of stages that will make up the race.

The Škoda Titan Desert Almeria 2023 starts on 7 October and ends on 10 October. It will consist of four stages and a single location for the coexistence of all the Titans taking part in the challenge.
All the usual challenges of the race, such as the contrast between desert and mountain, the climb to the great Almeria mountain passes and the route around the Tabernas desert, will be maintained.
“In the end it is a way of updating the race while maintaining its essence,” explained Cristian Llorens, general manager of RPM Sports. “We want to maintain what makes the race unique, but looking to turn the Škoda Titan Desert Almeria into the ideal first contact for the cyclist who wants to get to know our races.
Miguel Piwko, Marketing Director of Škoda Spain, underlined the Czech company’s commitment to the race: “The Škoda Titan Desert Almeria is a unique experience that revolves around cycling. That’s exactly where we want to be, in events where you can breathe effort, spirit of achievement and teamwork. Values that we share and that define us as a brand”.
The race’s sports director, Manuel Tajada, spoke about the more logistical changes of the event, such as the fact that all the coexistence between Titans will take place only at the Barceló Cabo de Gata. “We will operate a transfer system to be able to move the Titans between different points. In the end, with a single location, it generates a greater communion and greater facilities of adaptation for all the participants”, he insisted.
The host of the event, José Luis Pardo, general manager of ESCAPA, welcomed the recent agreements between the brand and the Škoda Titan Desert, both in Almeria and Morocco: “Since we started our relationship with the race we wanted to be much more than an official shop. We want to be there with the Titans every step of the way. Today is the first day of a journey that will end on 10 October, when Escapa will accompany the Titans as they cross the finish line in Almeria.
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