06-02-2014 - Nieuws, Wielrenblad

Team NetApp-Endura uitgenodigd voor Tour de France

Endura is verheugd met het feit dat het NetApp-Endura team is uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan de grootste wielertocht op aarde, de Tour de France. Het Schotse kledingmerk ondersteunt het team al sinds de samenwerking met NetApp in 2012. Door de toewijzing van een wildcard zal het professionele team aan de start zal staan in Leeds, Groot-Brittannië om vervolgens te beginnen aan de intensieve tocht van 3.656 kilometer.

Jim McFarlance, directeur bij Endura, reageerde nog even op de aanstaande deelname aan de Tour van 2014: “Obviously everyone at Endura is delighted to have news of the wildcard; it’s a reflection of the hard work that has gone in by Ralph and his team and a reward for the performances that the riders put in last year, particularly in the Vuelta.  I am pretty sure that our inclusion will add some extra spark.

“It is also the pinnacle of a journey that started for Endura back in 2009 when the Endura Racing team was first launched with amateur riders competing domestically. Back then we would never have dared imagine that we would have kit on one team in the Tour, so having two teams wearing Endura this year is special for us. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that a cycle clothing brand has ever before made it to being in the title of a Tour team, so that feels kind of special too.  

Things have changed a lot for Endura in the last 5 years and it’s a nice moment to reflect on how impactful the race team involvement has been on our products as well as shifting the outlook of the company to be intensively focussed on product innovation and R&D. The Tour is another great opportunity to have our kit put through the wringer and we’ll be working flat out on team rider kit updates between now and July, particularly in the wind tunnel and climate chamber,” states Jim McFarlane.

