04-11-2013 - Windsurfen, Nieuws

Wereldtitel vergeven na JP Aloha Classic

In September, tijdens de PWA Cold Hawaii, wist Marcilio ‘Brawzinho’ Browne voor de eerste keer een PWA Wave event te winnen wat vervolgens betekende dat de titelstrijd volledig open lag. Toen er werd bevestigd dat de PWA terug zou keren naar Ho’okipa voor de JP Aloha Classic, werd Brawzinho automatisch een van de favorieten voor de wereldtitel. De grote vraag was of Browne met de druk om kon gaan, om de strijd aan te gaan met de andere grote namen in de PWA.

In de single eliminatie had Browne een fantastische eerste heat, maar in de tweede ronde was er sprake van een vroege exit. De Braziliaan had duidelijk last van de stress die de intense strijd met zich mee bracht en dit beïnvloedde zijn prestaties op het water. “In the first heat I was just having fun and in the second one I think I was thinking a bit too much and got stressed out. I am looking forward to reset and start fresh for the double.” aldus Browne.

Uiteindelijk wist Marcilio Browne zich te herpakken en leverde hij een exceptionele prestatie in de finale waardoor de strijd met Alex Mussolini in zijn voordeel beslist werd, de highlights van de laatste heat zijn natuurlijk terug te kijken. Dit betekent dat Brawzinho voor de eerste keer in zijn carrière het PWA Wave World Championship gewonnen heeft.

Na afloop van deze indrukwekkende prestatie had de organisatie van het evenement nog een exclusief interview met de nieuwe wereldkampioen, dit vraaggesprek is natuurlijk hieronder terug te lezen. Marcilio Browne: Gefeliciteerd met de wereldtitel!

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PWA: Congratulations again for capturing your first PWA Wave World Title, has it sunk it yet that you are world champion yet?

MB: “Not 100% , hehehehehe , I feel so happy , almost numb!”

PWA: How did you celebrate on Friday?

MB: “We had a few friends at Caitlin’s dad place, it was fun, couple of drinks and good food !!! Nice to see that some of my close friends were there and so happy for me, that made it so much more special.”

PWA: What age did you start windsurfing? And when did you know that you wanted to be a professional windsurfer?

MB: “Started at 4, when I was 8 it was already my dream to be a professional for sure.”

PWA: After winning the PWA Freestyle World Title in 2007, was it difficult / frustrating, to begin with at least, when you changed to waves?

MB: “It wasn’t that bad because wavesailing is my favorite thing in the world to do, so I was enjoying myself always, but it was a bit frustrating at competition for a couple of years, I couldn’t find the rhythm and did not get the results I was hoping to for a few years so it was hard to keep the confidence up. It’s an unreal feeling to have this year end the way it did, here on Maui with a Ho’okipa event.”

PWA: Before this year what was your best wave result?

MB: “4th in Cape Verde and Portugal.”

PWA: Do you think there’s anything in particular that helped you with your competition sailing this year? 

MB: “I tried to change my perspective on things and I feel like that helped me out . I just tried to keep a positive outlook on whatever was happening to me and that made the whole tour so much more enjoyable and less stressful.”

PWA: What equipment were you on Friday?

MB: “5,0 banzai and 84l quad”

PWA: Are there any moves that you find easier on starboard compared to port tack or vice versa? If so which? 

MB: “Probably like all moves a bit better on starboard. Maybe backside 360’s and reverses I prefer on port .

PWA: Favourite move, both jumping and on the wave?

MB: “I don’t have a favorite move on the waves, I like things that look fast and fluid, and on jumping my favorite is push forward.”

PWA: You’re still in the race for the Red Bull Storm Chase, which location if you could choose would you like to go to?

MB: “Probably France or the US east coast. I heard the spot in France is amazing, and I’ve never sailed the East coast, so one of them would be great.”

PWA: What are your favourite conditions to sail in?

MB: “Probably a good day in Cape Verde is my favorite conditions, but I like to mix it up . There are so many types of conditions that can be so fun , so it’s good to mix it up.”

PWA: With the 2013 PWA World Tour now complete, how will you be spending your winter?

MB: “I will go to Brasil and celebrate with family and friends. Also I’ll go to Chile to do some training and will be back to Maui by the end of Dec. Hopefully we will have a winter full of good waves.”

PWA: Finally, what advice would you give to young and upcoming sailors who want to start competing?

MB: “Enjoy it as much as possible, spend more time sailing in conditions that you feel weaker in and get someone to film you, hehehehehehe.”

PWA: Thanks Brawzinho, and a massive congratulations again for winning your first PWA Wave World Title.






